The Restorative Power of Rest

“It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep” Psalm 127:2

I’m not going to lie to you: I don’t get a lot of sleep. As a matter of fact, while I’m writing this, I’m running on about three and a half hours of sleep. Which in light of the verse above, feels a little bit more of an indictment. This is also coming from a guy who is often quoted as saying “sleep is for recovery. If you aren’t recovering from something (Sickness, injury, etc.) then sleep is less necessary.” So as I walk along this lesson meant for me, I hope that you can find the truth from the hypocrite that needs this lesson (and a good night’s sleep!) More than most.The lesson that I need to learn is how important sleep is for me, and what’s holding me back from getting it. 

Rest is more than just closing your eyes: it is an acknowledgment that humans were not made to work and work and work work. No matter how long your to-do list is, no matter how big your dreams are, no matter how much you tell yourself you need to do everything right at this moment right away, the work must come to an end. 

There are many reasons why we lose sleep. For some it is because they work too much: their job demands long hours as a part of their shift: doctors, firefighters, nurses, etc. For others, it might be that they’re hooked on a show or another piece of media that they’re willing to sacrifice some sleep to keep up with the Kardashians. For others, it feels like it’s the only time they have to themselves after a long day of connecting with people. For some, it might just be a medical issue. No matter what the reason, a lack of sleep does weird things to your body. 

Sleep affects so many areas of our lives. It affects our cognitive function, it affects our hearts, it affects our immune system, it affects our weight, it affects just about every aspect of our day. So why do we not take the time to get proper rest? In my own life, there are two blaring deficiencies in me that prevent me from getting the sleep that I need: Pride and fear. 

Now that might sound a little bit of a stretch for some, so let me elaborate. I am confident in my ability to perform all of the tasks that I’ve been given well, so I add as much as I can on to my plate and fill my days to the brim because my pride tells me that I can handle it. Of course I can be a good dad and a good husband and a good employee and a committed runner and a creative writer and a small business owner and a good son who calls his parents frequently and a good friend that makes time to hang out and a faithful church member and still have my own hobbies in there! As I was writing out that list, I felt the spirit of Jeff Goldbloom whispering (and mayhaps my wife, not so much whispering) “Your scientists were so preoccupied on whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should”. We are not meant to fill our days with everything all the time. Just because you can carry a lot of weight on your shoulders, doesn’t mean you should keep that weight there 24/7. We are meant to drop off our burdens, and receive rest. 

The second reason is fear. What will happen to all of the tasks that have been given to me if I don’t do them? Everyone is looking to me to succeed, and I simply cannot let them down. If I don’t work I can’t provide for my family. If I don’t have a side hustle, we can’t live comfortably. If I don’t take the time at night to play with my daughter, she’s going to grow up and resent me. If I don’t cook this meal for my family, they’ll starve. I am only as good to others as the things that I do for them. I am nothing if not the work that I do. Sound familiar? Surprisingly enough, the solution is the same for both.

Humble yourself. Take a deep breath. Ground yourself. Feel the tension of the earth constantly rotating, and standing perfectly still in the same moment. Take a minute to realize that the world was moving before you were alive, and will continue to move long after you are gone. Once you do that, remember all of the people in your life that have shown you unconditional love. Bring to mind the people that you matter most to, and who matter the most to you. Hold the tension between living in the present, even though tomorrow is not promised. Take a moment and remember that all of the people that depend on you will be better off if you take care of yourself as well. And finally, sleep. 

The troubles of tomorrow will be there when you wake up. Tackle them head on with a good night’s rest. Sleep is a blessing, not a burden. Get some rest tonight and feel the love of God allowing you to sleep. 

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